Conversational Skills

Conversational skills are essential in our daily lives as they help us communicate effectively with others. They are important in both personal and professional settings, and hence form an important part of our course.
In professional situations, your conversational skills can help you come across as trustworthy and dependable. They can also help you build solid connections with clients and co-workers.
In a personal setting, conversational skills can help you connect with people and create enduring relationships. Along with being articulate and assertive, an essential skill for building stronger emotional ties is paying attention to others and responding to what they have said.
The growth and well-being of youngsters depend on their ability to converse - being able to communicate effectively with others helps children develop meaningful relationships.
As children approach their teenage years, they need to learn how to make decisions, as part of their journey towards becoming responsible young adults. Conversational abilities help your child learn to think through what they want and need, and communicate this in a reasonable way.
When you listen, discuss, are clear about what is and isn't negotiable, and have a positive attitude, all problems can be worked out.

“Once upon a time…” – Those four words can still cast a magical spell, causing us to leave everything else aside and listen, as we wait with bated breath for tales of princesses and fire breathing dragons to emerge.
Storytelling, however, is not just about fairy tales. Robert McKee, is an author and lecturer who has consulted on business storytelling for multinational companies like Microsoft and Time Warner. Here is what he once said, in an interview to Harvard Business Review (hyperlink - “A big part of a CEO’s job is to motivate people to reach certain goals. To do that, he or she must engage their emotions, and the key to their hearts is story. There are two ways to persuade people. The first is by using conventional rhetoric, which is what most executives are trained in. But that’s not good enough, because people are not inspired to act by reason alone.
The other way to persuade people is by telling a compelling story. In a story, you not only weave a lot of information into the telling but you also arouse your listener’s emotions and energy. If you can harness imagination and the principles of a well-told story, then you get people rising to their feet amid thunderous applause instead of yawning and ignoring you.”
In our course, we not only teach you how to write a story, we also focus on delivery, so that you are able to engage the audience. When it comes to narrating your tale, it is extremely important to keep the audience in mind. Whether your story is fact or fiction, you must talk about the events in an emotionally engaging way, because you want your audience to be moved by it.
For the RSL exam, and before live audiences, you will have a limited time in which to narrate your story. Therefore, it is important to time you story and go back and edit if necessary.
Storytelling is interactive in nature and the narrator’s words create images in the listener’s mind. Using the right body language and voice modulation techniques, will help your characters come alive in the listener’s imagination. Weave that story into your mundane presentation, and leave your audience enthralled!

Debating skills are important as they help you develop critical thinking skills that are essential in daily life. Critical thinking is the capacity to formulate well-reasoned arguments and to question the data supporting a certain conclusion or viewpoint.
Debating can also help you build confidence speaking in public and expressing your ideas eloquently. It can make you feel comfortable at group discussions, interviews, school presentations or college seminars.
It is important to develop a healthy sense of intellectual curiosity by remaining sceptical of new ideas while yet being fascinated about them. And remember, that an anecdote can be a great way to begin a debate.
Debating in real life is also about being open minded and willing to change your position if necessary. It is about presenting arguments and evidence, not attacking your opponent personally.
Be it negotiating with family members, resolving conflicts or making decisions, our course will help you make a strong case and convince others to see things from your perspective.
Presentation Skills

Developing good presentation skills early in life can have a significant impact on a child's academic and social success. Here are some reasons why presentation skills are important for children:
Develop Confidence: Presentation skills help children develop confidence in themselves and their abilities. When they learn how to speak in front of others, they become more comfortable expressing themselves and are less likely to be intimidated by new situations.
Improve Communication: Effective communication is a critical life skill, and presentation skills help children learn how to communicate clearly and effectively. By presenting their ideas in a clear and concise manner, children can improve their ability to express themselves.
Enhance Creativity: Presentations allow children to be creative and showcase their unique talents and ideas. They can incorporate visuals, props, and multimedia to make their presentations more engaging and memorable.
Develop Leadership Skills: Presentation skills help children develop leadership skills by giving them the opportunity to take charge and guide others. They learn how to organize their thoughts and ideas and present them in a way that inspires others to follow their lead.
Prepare for the Future: Presentation skills are essential for success in college, the workforce, and other areas of life. By developing these skills early on, children are better prepared for the challenges that they will face in the future.
Boost Self-Esteem: A well-delivered presentation can boost a child's self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. When children receive positive feedback and recognition for their presentations, they are more likely to feel good about themselves and their abilities.
TFLC’s Public Speaking course helps children develop presentation skills early in life setting them up for academic and social success in the years to come
Creative Writing

Who are we if not the stories we pass down? - Carrie Ryan, Bestselling author.
There are as many different types of stories as there are civilizations and cultures. It is a sophisticated human art form that can help clarify even the most abstract concepts. It can make your speeches and presentations seem captivating, and infuse life into the most dull and dry subjects.
So how do we get down to writing that compelling story? Here’s how to get started.
Create your character and choose the setting. Your main character could be based on yourself, a person you know or someone entirely imaginary. It could even be an animal – the superhero dog who helps rescue a little boy from his kidnapper! It is all up to your imagination.
As for the setting, you can decide whether your protagonist is marooned on a deserted island or has taken off in a space ship! Something could also happen on the sports ground of your school, or up in a treehouse. Have fun choosing your setting!
Structure your story. Your story must have a beginning, middle and end.
The beginning of a story sets the tone for everything that will follow. This is where you could introduce your protagonist(s), describe the setting and draw the audience in to the world of your story
The middle is where things start to get very interesting. There could be turmoil in your protagonist’s life -- an unexpected event that turns everything upside down! The aim is to create suspense and keep the reader guessing about what is going to happen next.
In the end, everything falls into place, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The conflict is resolved, leading to a satisfying close for all.
In our course, we will guide you to craft your own stories, speeches and poems, so that you can deliver with complete confidence.
Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are important for children as they help them develop into confident and responsible adults who can inspire and guide others.
Effective communication is a critical leadership skill, and children can learn to communicate effectively by practicing active listening, asking questions, expressing ideas clearly, and giving and receiving feedback.
Encouraging creativity and innovation can help children develop leadership skills by allowing them to think outside the box and explore new ideas. At TFLC, we encourage children to explore their interests and solve problems in their own unique ways.
Learning to work effectively with others is an essential leadership skill. Our course teaches children how to collaborate with their peers, listen to different perspectives, and resolve conflicts constructively.
Leadership requires resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. Children can build resilience by learning to bounce back from failures and setbacks, developing a growth mind-set, and setting and working towards goals.